My Origin

Patrick Chong is committed to pursuit excellent craftsmanship and continue the inheritance of watch making since 15 years old.

“Watch making is a pursuit of excellence in life”

In late70s, life was tough and most people in Malaysia can only hope for three meals a day. Therefore, many people dropped out of high school to work and contemporary craftsmanship were promising career then.

Due to family’s financial difficulties, Patrick dropped out of high school to learn clock making from his brother-in-law.. After 3 years of apprenticeship, Patrick moved on to Lin Brothers to further refine his craftsmanship.

In those days, watches could be a status symbol and also a necessity of life. People appreciate their watches and always bring their time pieces to watch makers for repair or maintenance. Hence, watch makers were hot commodity and watch making became enviable craftsmanship.

At that time, Lin Brothers was the best watch store in Malaysia for their employment of experienced master watch makers. Their business was excellent because many watch collectors preferred to send their watches to be serviced by the best watch makers. However, introductions of electronic watches changed the industry. Electronic watches can tell time precisely and they are inexpensive hence disposable! Traditional watch making craftsmanship was no longer valued. Lin Brothers had to close their business and Patrick’s career in watch making was essentially over.

Patrick left Malaysia to pursue various careers in Europe for 18 years. Upon returning to Malaysia in 2004, Patrick found there is a shortage of local talents in watch making! He resolutely returned to his passion for life – Traditional watch making! “

I was very fortunate to have a master watch maker, whom I worked with, recommended me to one of the top luxury watch Service Centre in Malaysia. I was already 40 years old. I was a little anxious but understood that hard work and perseverance will restart my passionate career in watch making!”, Patrick reminisced.

Although there were many new designs and components, Patrick quickly established himself as an independent master watch maker within 3 years. There are many watch makers in the industry, but highly skilled and experienced watch makers are rare. Therefore, Patrick rapidly gained a reputation as one of the best master watch maker in Malaysia. Rebuilding irreparable watch crown, pins, gears, etc requires tremendous patient, time, skills and technologies in Grinding, Filling, Connecting, Welding, etc. For Patrick, watch making is not only a life long career but also pursuit of excellence in life! “Many people with different values felt watches are not important. As for me, the craftsmanship of watch making is a priceless inheritance!

My biggest challenge and hope is to nurture and pass on the traditional craftsmanship to new generations!”



修表如同修炼人生 在七八十年代的人只求三餐温饱便足矣,然而依然不少人都没办法上学或中学毕业纷纷辍学去工作。在当代手工艺可是一个十分有前景的工作。 “当时15岁因为家境困难就辍学跟随了姐夫学习修理钟表,但因为当时候姐夫那里所教导的技术有限,3年后学满了就去了“林兄弟手表铺”那继续边打工边学习。” 在七八十年代,手表可以是一个人身份的象征,也是生活的必需品。人们对手表非常钟爱,不小心弄坏了都会拿到钟表匠那里去修理,所以,当时钟表修理是个“吃香”的行当,也是人人羡慕的赚钱手艺。

“当时候“林兄弟”可以堪称全马最多资深修表大师傅在的钟表店,不少人都慕名而去生意也好得不得了。而我对修理钟表也产生了浓厚的兴趣每天积极学习可好景不常在当我在“林兄弟”第8年的时候第一只的电子手表面世,皆因时间精准深受大家喜爱追捧,即便坏了价钱也便宜随手就可以买新的,而钟表修理工艺逐渐走向衰退。后来店铺结业了,深受打击的我也没动力再走下去了。” 他只身离开了马来西亚在海外闯荡了18年于2004年回国。

回来后却发现本地人才短缺,毅然决定架起了放大镜再次投身回最初也是最后的行业-钟表修理。 “当时候有幸经过以前师傅的推荐下在LVMH工作并学习。当年我已经40多岁了,虽然当初有些担心但我非常清楚只有更努力前进才对得起自己的决心与坚持。” 即使当时候因为许多新款零件没见过但凭着他经验以及专注力很快在短短三年后就独立门户。懂得修表的人也许还有,但真正技术精湛的师傅真的少之又少,他凭着自己的历练和精湛的手艺渐渐在圈内有了一定的名气。从磨、补、驳、接等技艺将一些零件修复甚至是对于不能修复的巴头、巴芯、齿轮等零件,更是花费大量时间通过挫制等技术重新制作。

对他来说修理钟表不仅是他的终生行业,他也藉此修炼人生。 “许多人觉得有些东西并不重要习惯以价值观看世界,而对我来说修理钟表这门老手工艺就如同钟表那样随着时间流逝反而更保值,目前我最大的挑战与希望就是能把手工艺继续孕育下去并代代传承。”

We have everything you need to know about your watch.


Schedule with us at Time & Motions


A4 G1 02 Publika
Jalan Dutamas 1
50480 Kuala Lumpur



Mon: 10.30am – 7.00pm
Tue: 10.30am – 7.00pm
Wed: 10.30am – 7.00pm
Thu: 10.30am – 7.00pm
Fri: 10.30am – 7.00pm
Sat: 10.30am – 7.00pm
Sun: Closed